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Baby Goat/Goat Yoga !

Did Someone Say BAAAA?!

What to Expect: Class entails a 50 Minute All Levels Vinyasa session with the joy of Baby goats mingling and bouncing of us yogis with 10 minutes for extra snuggles and to take pictures. Expect to giggle and smile ear to ear with this infectious class! â€‹



Fall Leaves, A Goat Squeeze, WINE & Charcuteries!!

A splendid way to kick off the AUTUMN season!


When: Saturday October 12th

Location: 378 Podunk Rd. East Brookfield, MA.


What: A 50minute, outdoor, all levels Vinyasa Goat Yoga class- HIke WITH the goats alongside beautiful views of wetlands- finish class with refreshments and a snack. A glass of Red wine Cabernet or White Chardonnay with a tasty charcuterie including cheese & crackers.


☆☆I have extra mats to borrow- carefree!

Save your spot. Enjoy an outing with girlfriends, co workers, your partner, or even your mom!



Saturday October 5th


Location: Cloverbrook Farm East Longmeadow, MA


Ages 7+



* Reach out to discuss private events such as birthdays and weddings parties.

*Available for School Workshops, Mental & Behavorial health facility workshops, & Adults/student organizations helping with learning disabilities. 

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